American Lutheran Church Pastor Search
American Lutheran Church Ministry Site Profile
The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) is intended for use by congregations and church-related organizations that are seeking to call a rostered minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or a First Call candidate for rostered ministry. Once complete, this form is submitted electronically to the synod bishop for review and posting to the “Current Openings” listing on the ELCA website. ALC has completed and submitted the MSP to the Northeastern Iowa Synod. Please click the link below to read the completed submission.
Interested in Applying as the Pastor at ALC?
Applications are submitted through the Northeastern Iowa Synod. If you or someone you know is interested in calling American Lutheran Church home, please search for American Lutheran Church on the ELCA Current Openings page or inquire with Pastor Brackett, Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership, by phone 319-352-1414 or email We hope the Holy Spirit moves you to make ALC home.